Chautauqua Children’s School

Thanks to my friends Carole Gladstone, Mary Ann Nazzaro and Dr. Judith Chafel, Professor Emeriti of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, who assisted with scribing for the young children, we had enthusiastic results of the Stonework Play project in Chautauqua. We learned that slowing down and being present with each child can help them open up and share feelings. One child arranged his stones directly on a piece of paper so that when he finished his stone drawing, he simply traced around each stone for an accurate reproduction of his drawing. See Project Report pg. 12 for more information.

The Chautauqua Children’s School, Chautauqua, New York USA (Summer of 2012) 
Collaborative research project with The Elizabeth Jarman® Foundation (UK), "Stonework Inspires Storytelling,” 12-13